Right Brain Train Easy Way
Right Brain Train Easy Way

Some ways can easily be done anywhere and anytime. You can perform a simple game by doing it yourself or get together with your friends. Here are some easy ways to exercise your right brain.
Eight games
You can pretend to write numbers or symbols to sleep eight in the air with his left hand and right together. This simple game aims to balance the left and right motor neurons. Take this game for two minutes every day to train your brain function.
Thumb games
Acungkanlah left hand thumb and little finger right hand, he thrust both arms toward the right. Conversely, acungkanlah right hand thumb and little finger left hand, while holding out both hands toward the left. This game also has the same function as eight games. Get on this game with your friends for two minutes every day.
Pattern games
Draw the patterns that you like on a blank paper by using the left and right hand simultaneously toward the inside, outside, top, and bottom. Besides aiming to balance the motor nerve motor nerve left and right, this game can also explore the potential of your visual. You can try this game for two minutes every day, at least 14 consecutive days.
Specific crawl
Move your right hand simultaneously with the left foot. Then do move your left hand in unison with the right foot. Ideally, elbow touching the knee. Its function is similar to previous games, but by trying this movement can also make the mind open to new things. Try this move for 10 minutes every day, at least 14 consecutive days.
Specific posturing
Bertumpulah on the floor with your left knee and right hand. Meanwhile, back straightened right leg and left hand and straightened forward. This position aims to activate certain nerves in general and specifically the right brain. Perform this position for 10 minutes every day, at least 14 consecutive days.
Specific relaxing
It can also be done by children. Perform relaxation half-prone position. This position could be conditioned when the child slept. The earlier done, the better. It can also be done when the child is sick, and certainly with a warm hug from a parent. Thus, the child's brain is in alpha frequency and he will feel calm.
Rotated reading
Do this by reversing an article (top-down), then read text from right to left. You can try it for two minutes every day.
Left-handed handling
If you usually use your right hand while holding the door handle, start trying to open with your left hand. Try this new habit every day.
Left-Handed Brushing
If you're used to brush your teeth with your right hand every day. So, try brushing your teeth with new things with his left hand, made every morning. And for the evening continue to use the right hand.
Left-handed writing
Try writing with your left hand on blank paper. Do it at least 14 consecutive days 10 times a day. If you do it diligently, undoubtedly on day 3 you can write easily.
Left-Handed signing
Try new things to make a signature using the left hand on blank paper. This you can do with the same duration as the Left-handed writing. Not rule out the possibility, two of the 10 signatures are included that resembles its original form.
So, by doing the things above you can improve your return right brain function that you rarely do in order to get more leverage. Good luck
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