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Peraturan Publisher

 Peraturan menjadi publisher

  1. Memiliki blog.
  2. Jumlah kata dalam konten blog minimal 200 kata dengan frase yang berbeda-beda.
  3. Bonus Rekrutment berlaku jika memiliki konten dari halaman blog/web yang valid dan memenuhi syarat 1 dan 2 di atas. Baik yang merekomendasikan maupun yang direkomendasikan
  4. Payout akan otomatis ditransfer apabila sudah terkumpul komisi minimal Rp 100.000
  5. Jika melakukan pelanggaran atau kecurangan maka payout tidak akan diberikan dan akan di BAN langsung tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.
  6. Jika dalam waktu tiga bulan berturut-turut tidak mengisikan no rekening dan nama pemilik rekening untuk digunakan rekening pembayaran (payout) maka akan dikenakan potongan payout 30%


Online Business With the Highest Current-Profit

 Online Business With the Highest Current-Profit

Buy with VirtaPay

GetPaids terbuka untuk umum hari. Hubungan kami Instanty karena semua pembayaran dari kami selalu proccessed langsung. Tidak seperti program investasi online lainnya, kita benar-benar memiliki Trading Company sejak tahun 1987, yang memiliki bisnis utama di Saham Emas.

Kami Trading Company Emas impor dari Iran, Saudi Arebia dan Mesir, dan menjualnya ke negara-negara eropa Banyak. Pasar Emas cepat berkembang di dalam Masyarakat Eropa. Semakin banyak pengusaha yang mengambil untuk Golds dan Metal. Dan biaya pembuatan Emas jauh lebih rendah di Iran dan negara-negara Assian lainnya.

Kami bisa mengimpor berbagai jenis Golds lebih murah dari Asiyah dan menjualnya ke negara-negara eropa. Dan kita bisa mendapatkan keuntungan yang baik dari perdagangan ini. Tapi pemasok kami dari Iran telah menaikkan harga mereka di bawah tekanan pada apresiasi Rial (Iran mata uang) sejak tahun 2003.

Kami merasa sulit untuk mendapatkan sebanyak seperti sebelumnya dari kuantitas kita dapat mengimpor pada satu waktu. Kami ingin meningkatkan kuantitas, sehingga kita bisa mendapatkan lebih dari satu sigle. Jadi kita perlu lebih banyak investor bergabung dengan kami dan mendapatkan keuntungan bersama kami. Kami tidak dapat memberikan hasil yang sangat tinggi, tapi untuk 112% setiap hari dan untuk 850% 120 hari. Dan kita akan mencoba sebaik mungkin untuk mendapatkan keuntungan lebih bagi kami berdua.

Deposit Type Amount ($)
Plan 1 $5 - $100

Deposit Type Amount ($)
Plan 1 $10 - $100
Plan 2 $101 - $1,000

Deposit Type Amount ($)
Plan 1 $15 - $100
Plan 2 $101 - $500
Plan 3 $501 - $5,000

Deposit Type Amount ($)
Plan 1 $20 - $100
Plan 2 $101 - $500
Plan 3 $501 - $5,000

Deposit Type Amount ($)
Plan 1 $30 - $100
Plan 2 $101 - $500
Plan 3 $501 - $5,000

Deposit Type Amount ($)
Plan 1 $40 - $100
Plan 2 $101 - $500
Plan 3 $501 - $5,000

Deposit Type Amount ($)
Plan 1 $75 - $100
Plan 2 $101 - $500
Plan 3 $501 - $5,000

Deposit Type Amount ($)
Plan 1 $100 - $200
Plan 2 $201 - $500
Plan 3 $501 - $1,000
Plan 4 $1,001 - $5,000

Terkait dengan

Paying 150% after 25 calendar days - principal included

Maximum trading with maximum opportunities and maximum freedom.


Welcome to Risk Capital Fund, a high yield investment program brought online by two experienced investors who want to scale up their profits and share a part of it with you. RCF invests in several niches and makes money from markets offering a certain risk level which can be softened with the right strategies. Please take some time to browse our site and learn about what RCF can offer you.

Company Vision

Our business model takes profit from the HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) industry and other ventures involving a certain risk level. It's usually very hard to predict the lifespan of these online programs but we noticed a certain standard among them and our business plan has been successfully working for two years now. Short term investment opportunities show up all the time, we already took part in investments in the marketing industry, consumer goods, currency exchanging, these are opportunities are easy to find if you have the right contacts. We also invested a lot in new HYIP start-ups, which means we were helping new administrators with the initial amount of money needed to open a program, we're still doing it but in a different way, I won't disclose any names here, but basically we're investing in advertising other recently launched HYI programs.
We are also investing into several private investment funds available in different niches, these medium term investments have been a very profitable business for us for a few years now. Basically, they are investments which are not available for the general public but only for a group of investors who are a part of some investment groups, we are a part of several of them and these investment opportunities show up very often, usually giving us a very high profit.
RCF offers a single investment plan paying 150% of your initial deposit after 25 days, your principal is included in the profit. Our customer support is being managed by Lenny and Tristan, Lenny is the one you will see him around forums, blogs and Facebook. He used to work for a medium size charity organization and received tons of requests every day so we decided he would be the best person to manage our program and communicate with investors.
Running a HYIP is not an easy task and that is why we are putting $100,000 of our own personal funds into this project, our business plan is to spend this money in advertising, hiring new support staff members and hosting our site in a very secured server. In sum, we're doing everything it takes to run a successful program. This is our first and last project so we'd like to invite all RISK CAPITAL investors to join our program and make an investment with us. As always, the golden rule of the HYIP market applies, don't risk what you cannot afford to lose, and instead of doing that, use a part of RISK CAPITAL BUDGET to join RCF and all of us will be pleased with our profits.


Risk Capital Fund's page is equipped with several features developed to create a safe environment for your investments.
  • Anti DDoS attack protection by Staminus Communications
  • Dedicated Server
  • Customized Script
  • Unique customer support
  • Affiliate Program
  • Global Representatives
  • Multiple E-currencies Accepted
  • Registered Company





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$ 5,00 x 5 = $ 25,00 Yang Anda ATAU kelompok Anda lakukan adalah mendapatkan dalam 5 anggota baru.
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10 Reasons To Choose Us - Hyper-Compound

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  • 5. 10 investment levels
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  • 7. 5 years of experience
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HyperCompound - Invest With Confidence

HyperCompound - Solid. Professional. Profitable.

Hyper Compound Inc. is an independent investment company founded in June, 2006. Our company always offers the most advanced investment services and seeks to provide a decent standard of customer service. Our investment advisors personally work with each client. We always try to help clients to understand the intricacies of investment process, the situation on stock markets and help to choose the most profitable way to invest. To date, we offer a range of special services that are not only convenient for customers, but also greatly multiply their income. The company is known as an active participant in the high yield market. It occupies one of the highest places on the volume of transactions and operations in all major stock exchanges and OTC areas.

Hyper Compound Inc. is an independent investment company founded in June, 2006. It has more than 5 years of successful experience in investment market. The company adheres to the principles of openness, reliability and professionalism. The company renders investment and financial services to companies, financial institutions and private investors.

Trust is the main goal of our communication with you and your assets. Assets do not like publicity; otherwise their owners are subject to envious eyes, so the strategic direction of our business is to provide confidential and exclusive services to individuals and institutional investors, asset management and brokerage services, and services for wealth management of private clients.

We offer services in relation to both reliable capital maintenance and on increasing capital, using a variety of money market instruments, capital markets, investment in real estate. Independent investment company of Hyper Compound Inc. also carries direct investments in emerging businesses, and provides services to fund raising, and provides consulting support for investment projects. We are focused on search and selection of projects that have significant growth potential. We have own resources to participate in projects and assist in attracting outside investors. In its activity the Hyper Compound Inc. company relies on already existing experience in business development, as well as on competence in the management of financial resources, strategic management and marketing.

During our company existence we managed to acquire vast experience and earned an impeccable reputation among high- investment market participants. Our success is a direct reflection of the success of our customers, therefore we always strive to build long-term interaction strategy with our partners. Hyper Compound builds long-term trusting relationships with each of the clients, helping to achieve its objectives. We offer a wide range of products for enabling high-yielding investments for our clients.

One of the company's competitive advantages is its unique client service that meets the needs of the most demanding customers and meets the highest standards of quality. We know that the most valuable thing in our business is not the number of invested funds but the quality of relationship with the client. This is the secret of Hyper Compound's leadership at any, even the most difficult times. Hyper Compound Inc. is a place where there is a fight for the result of each client. We guarantee confidentiality and strive for the absolute trust of the clients.

The main objective of Hyper Compound Inc. is the desired return acquisition by the clients of their contributions. Company specialists are constantly exploring the market in search of Investment growth points for the most effective asset management. As a result we offer our customers a competitive environment and strategy investment. Highly skilled managers and portfolio managers team provides customers effective asset management. Leading Hyper Compound professionals have years of experience at investment banks and management companies. This allows us to meet international standards of asset management and to achieve high profitability of investments. Hyper Compound Inc. always offers the most advanced investment services and seeks to provide a decent standard of customer service. Our investment advisors personally work with each client. We always try to help clients to understand the intricacies of investment process, the situation on stock markets and help to choose the most profitable way to invest. High flexibility and adaptability, as well as the introduction of advanced information technology and systematic approach to building business allowed the company to grow rapidly and reach higher positions in the ratings of professional participants.

To date, we offer a range of special services that are not only convenient for customers, but also greatly multiply their income. The company is known as an active participant in the high yield market. It occupies one of the highest places on the volume of transactions and operations in all major stock exchanges and OTC areas.

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HyperCompound - Solid. Professional. Profitable.


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