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Did You Know 4 Types of Natural Food that can Build Younger?

Did you know four types of natural food that can build younger? 

Is a dream every young person
Desire is naturally beautiful every human being.
Maybe you are one of millions of people who expect it. Maybe you also have issued a stout charge to get the body healthy, natural beauty and prevent aging. Many companies that may have created a wide range of chemical bahab to meet the goals mentioned above.

Here are some natural ways you can try to get what you want, young as I read in kompas.com.Consume some foods that can help you maintain youthfulness, reduce risks of disease and the aging process is faster.

1. Tomatoes
* Preventing cancer: Tomato-based phytochemicals and carotenoids, like lycopene, which has anti-cancer effects. The benefit to the skin, tomatoes can encourage cell repair skin exposed to sunlight exposure. In addition, too, can provide protection against skin cancer.
* Osteoporosis: At least two studies have shown that consumption of lycopene reduced the risk of osteoporosis. In 2009, a U.S. study found people who ate more than 4.4 servings of lycopene a week the risk of fracture is significantly less.
* Heart disease: Scientists from the University of Adelaide said that eating at least 25mg of lycopene a day can lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol by 10 percent.
Serves: One cup of raw tomatoes may contain up to 3:46 mg 21 mg of lycopene. Scientists say take 500 ml of tomato juice every day or 50 g of tomato paste may protect against heart disease.
How to increase the benefits: Eat tomatoes are cooked. Because the content of lycopene in tomatoes would increase by 54 percent after two minutes cooked and 164 percent after half an hour.

2. Apple
Adage an apple a day keep you from disease is not a figment. Various studies have shown how much can you earn from the habit of eating apples. Here are some conditions that can be prevented by eating apples:
* Premature death: According to a study, lots of eating apples has a positive effect on mortality (death). As is known, high apple will contain flavonoids, which these plants have pigments that have antioxidant effects.
* Heart disease: The study shows, the consumption of apples each day will reduce the risk of heart disease by 22 percent, and lowers cholesterol 'bad' by 23 percent (after six months).
* Alzheimer's Disease: Apples contain antioxidants that help prevent toxicity in the neurons of the brain, associated with the development of Alzheimer's.
How to increase the benefits: To get a greater benefit, eat apples with their skin. Because, apple skin mengadung 75 percent of dietary fiber and at least a dozen anti-cancer compounds.

3. Fish
* Dementia and stroke: Eating on a regular basis at least three servings of fish high in omega-3 fatty acids per week can reduce the risk of brain lesions by 26 percent. Brain lesion is a cause of dementia and stroke.
* Cancer: In a Swedish study, omega-3 is able to reduce the size of the tumor and kill cancer cells.
* Heart disease: Regularly consuming omega-3 has been associated with decreased risk of cardiovascular problems by 45 percent.
* Blindness: Consuming more than two oily fish a week can reduce the risks associated with macular degeneration (vision impairment caused by aging factor) by 39 percent.
Serves: The Heart Foundation recommends at least 500 mg mengasup source of omega-3, which can be obtained by eating about 150 grams of fish in the sea every day day.
How to increase the benefits: Options are good sources of omega 3 in salmon there, gemfish, blue mackerel, canned salmon, tuna, and sardines.

4. Oats
* Heart disease: Studies show, eating oats helps lower cholesterol, thanks to the role of beta-glucan. Beta glucan is an essential nutrient in oats, which can block the re-absorption of cholesterol. Oats also contain avenanthramides, anti-inflammatory compounds that help prevent atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, the most common cause of heart disease.
Servings: Consuming 3gram beta-glucan per day has been shown to help lower cholesterol re-absorption. In 40 grams of porridge oats contain 1.5 grams of beta-glucan.
How to increase the benefits: Choose as much as possible intact unprocessed oats. The glycemic index (GI) of porridge oats intact only reached 42 in each dish, while the GI of instant oat could reach 66.

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