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Is it true that "Laughter" is the sport?

Laughter in addition to being a fun spontaneous activity it also has the same effect as exercise. This is expressed in a number of researchers Loma Linda University Schools of Allied Health. The study involved 14 healthy volunteers during three weeks of shows to laugh not only decrease the production of stress hormones, but also boost immunity, lower cholesterol, and blood pressure.

      The volunteers in the study presented at the conference "Experimental Biology" 2010 is divided into two groups, of which there who choose to watch one video and film genre of humor that sparked the tension. During the study, researchers routinely measure blood pressure and took blood samples before and after the volunteers every movie.

      The results also showed that volunteers who watched a funny video experience changes in blood pressure and improve health conditions. While the volunteers who watched the movie suspenseful did not experience a beneficial change.

      Psychoneuroimmunology expert, Dr. Lee S. Berk, one of the researchers involved in this study revealed the results showed the response and the modulation of the body due to laughing repeatedly have the same effect as exercising. Laughter is a source of heart-healthy exercise, especially for the elderly.

      You do not have time to exercise, it never hurts to take the time, bersendagurau, laughing with relatives. It also turned out to be healthy and your physical body.

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